November 11, 2024
Durable CDR Pricing Survey - Fall 2024

We are pleased to announce that today, we are re-launching the durable CDR Pricing Survey in partnership with OPIS, a Dow Jones Company!
Our mission at is to accelerate carbon removal. OPIS is a world-leading provider of news, data and analysis for the energy, chemical and environmental commodity markets. We both believe that greater transparency in durable CDR pricing is essential to more purchasers getting engaged. We are thrilled to combine's deep understanding of the durable CDR market with OPIS’s expertise in pricing and broad reach with prospective purchasers and project developers to increase the number of responses and the richness of the resulting report.
If you have not already done so, we encourage you to complete the survey:
- For Durable CDR Purchasers
- For Durable CDR Suppliers and Project Developers
* Please email us at if youhave any issues accessing the survey.
We invite CDR marketplaces, brokers and intermediaries to complete both surveys.
If you have already completed the survey, we will reach out to you to opt into being a part of the broader data set.
How will you safeguard the responses? (Updated)
All responses will be kept strictly confidential. Reports will be in aggregate form only, without identifying the individuals or companies responding. Furthermore, only and OPIS team members without a conflict of interest (i.e. no paid affiliation with companies in the industry) will view the respondent or company names. and OPIS will post summary results publicly, hold a webinar to share the results, develop a full report (anonymous and aggregate) for survey respondents and clients, and use the results to develop methodologies around CDR pricing. Privacy and confidentiality are top priorities at and OPIS. Please contact us at if you have any questions on how we treat your data.
Why launch a pricing survey?
We are in constant communication with suppliers, purchasers, marketplaces, registries, analytics and insights providers, consultants, NGOs, the media, and other durable CDR market participants. The one question we receive most often is about pricing. Everyone wants it, but fewer and fewer want to provide it. We are going to come up with mechanisms to collect and report on order pricing confidentially; however, what is most important now is pricing perception, whether it be purchaser or supplier.
When will the pricing survey run?
We are re-launching it today, Tuesday, Nov 12, and it will run until Friday, Dec 6. Following the close of the survey, we will publish summary results here on our blog, and make a full report available to those who provide complete responses to the survey, and in the Portal to our Premium Users.
Who is the survey intended for?
There are actually two versions of the pricing survey: one for purchasers and one for suppliers. The purchaser version is intended for any company that intends to purchase durable CDR for delivery by the end of 2025 or the end of 2030. The supplier version is intended for any company supplying durable CDR for delivery by the end of 2025 or the end of 2030. Market intermediaries such as marketplaces, brokers, and resellers that have a good understanding of prices and act as both purchasers and sellers are welcome to complete both versions of the survey.
How did you decide on what to track?
We track 15 methods for durable CDR orders. Some of these have more orders than others. Based upon our quarterly reports, to balance between granularity and simplicity, we have consolidated some of the methods to those that figure most prominently in our reports, as follows:
- Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR)
- Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)
- Other Biomass Removal and Sequestration (Bio-oil Sequestration, Biomass Direct Storage)
- Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS)
- Enhanced Weathering
- Mineralization (Ex-situ, In-situ, Microbial, Surficial)
- mCDR (Direct Ocean Removal, Marine Biomass Sinking, Microalgal Capture and Storage, Ocean/River Alkalinity Enhancement)
What insights do we expect to arrive at?
The survey is based on the Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter. Assuming a sufficiently high number of responses, we will arrive at both acceptable price ranges and optimal price points by durable CDR method. The insights we expect to be to arrive at include:
- The prices purchasers are prepared to pay by durable CDR method
- The prices suppliers require to scale their businesses
- Which sectors are most interested in purchasing durable CDR
- Which methods have the highest demand signals for 2025 and 2030
Source: By Levasha - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
For more on applying the Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter to CDR, see Jason Grillo’s recent blog post on the Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal.
How will you safeguard the responses?
All responses will be kept strictly confidential. Reports will be in aggregate form only with no identification of the individuals or companies responding. Furthermore, only team members without a conflict of interest (i.e. no paid affiliation with companies in the industry) will be able to view the respondent or company names. Privacy and confidentiality are top priorities at Please reach out to us at if you have any questions on how we treat your data.
We hope that the pricing survey will help market participants to gain valuable benchmarks to help accelerate carbon removal. Contact us anytime at if you have any questions!